Thursday, October 25, 2007

Oh gOSh! RIP!

Oh gOsh! My blog seems like had been resting in peace for around 2 months! I didn't update my blog, neither did anyone tag... haha! Hm... Life in Oslo is fun! haha! Well well... The reason for not updating my blog is not because I'm busy with my studies, but, busy slacking!
Up till now, I still cannot figure out why am I so idiotically busy with! haha! But, I'm Busy!! I feLt that I'm sO busY! haha!!
Hm... At least, I tried my best to upload my photos ASAP onto my photo album... hehee!
Well... Currently, the time difference between Singapore and Norway is 6 hours... Which means, now in Norway is 2am... But in Singapore, is already 8am! BuT! BUT! BUT!! STarting from 28 October 2007, it will be a 7 hours differences.... That is... Here is 2am, but Singapore is already 9am! arrrhhh!!! will I lose track of time when I go back to Singapore? hehe! Hope not...
The sky here gets darker and darker faster everyday... Get to see less bright day light... PLus, my room lighting sucks! EeeEeeEEEEEE!!! Machiam I'm studying in the dark!! hahaa!
Lastly for today's blogging, I wan to declare that, I REALLY MISS MY FAMILY AND MY BUDDIES IN SINGAPORE!!!

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