Sunday, June 29, 2008
It's Your Turn Now...
Posted by
1:59 AM
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Not My Day....
Today, is not my day... DATE: 26 June 2008
Before today, i tot that 26 June 2008 will be a good day and a happy day...
I had been longing for this day to come...
When I woke up this morning, I was happy that today is 26 June!
Although I woke up slightly late as my itchy hand turned off the alarm...
By waking up 10 min later than usual, I had no time to spend on doing the happiest thing of the day (Mr Pig knows what it is... haha!!!)
Speed up everything and leave the house in time...
Until when I reached office, I noticed that, I can't find my phone!!! gOsh!!
I left it on the dining table and forgotten to bring it out... haha!!!
I felt so handicapped now... The only communication device with someone is not with me....
DEPRESSED... Somemore, I forgotten to do alot of things and bring them also...
arGh! I just lack of forgetting to wear "inner beauty" to work!!!! ARGh!!!
Anyway, 24 hours is gone without C & C... 1 day further from happiness???
Posted by
9:26 AM
Monday, June 23, 2008
Generally, all guys will accept whatever girls that delivers themselves to their doorsteps….
At first, I didn’t think that this sentence will actually affect anyone, and it’s something that I felt is true… But, knowing that this sentence has such a great impact, I had reconsidered the real meaning of it for a night…. And I came to a conclusion… I still find that, it’s quite true… haha!!!!
Actually, I was planning to write something about Players… But, somehow, someone, encouraged me to write the above too… So, yah… Now, go on to Players…
Players… Both girls and guys players exist… And, they are the scariest category of people that exist on earth…
They will, cheat your feelings and dump you… Continue to cheat another person and dump and continue and continue… endless hurting!!!
Even now, who ever I encounter, I am so afraid that they are just players and hurt me… Becuz of this, I had never dare to be initiative to approach guys if I liked… I will be very careful about what they do and I will tends to think a lot for almost any action and any words they say and do…
Can someone whom I care about, treat me good with his heart? Treat me good becuz you really care for me, and really hopes that I will be happy… I really detest self-centred people... What they do, they only think of themselves… Seldom will they think or even realized that they had or about to hurt someone… Players are self-centred… VERY VERY SELF-CENTRED….
Posted by
2:32 PM
Coughing Season
Had been coughing for weeks already...
I realised that, actually I can hear quite afew of my collegues coughing in the office!
Well.. This season, the weather is super duper hot.... And the clinic are all super duper packed....
And most importantly, is the DURIAN is super duper nice!!!!
But after eating, you will be super duper DEAD!!!! haha!!!!
Now cough till I abit no voice liao... haha!!!
On Friday, my korean friend came!!!! gOsh!!! I brought her to Clarke Quay... But, on the way there, I think I had made quite afew redundant ways... End up, Her friend and her asked me whether am I a Singaporean.... So Paisei lah!!!! haha!!!
but before I met her, I was with Mr Pig... went for dinner plus gelare waffle... Topped with Double white chocolate and Chocolate Overload icecream... Super sinful!!!
I had explained to him why am I so happy this few days... I'm really happy... Hehe!
So sorry that I had said a sentence that bother you so much... hehe!!! So sorry!!!
Well... While I'm with my korean friend, something "strike" me... Abit feeling weird... I felt as if something hit hard on my little cute heart... hehe!!!
I smsed my another friend, Mr Bin... and really, I felt so thankful that you came down all the way just to listen to me BUT-ting... hehe!!! Suddenly felt, guilty when sat we had dinner... Becuz of me, you leave your friends there... So sorry!!! hehe!!! I KNOW YOU ARE READING NOW!!! SEE HOW SORRY I AM???
but, things got better on sat midnight... and even better on sunday evening after I clarify my doubts... hehe!!! I FELT HAPPY!!! But, not very very happy liao... Cuz abit injured liao... I think my puffer fish's spikes abit triggered le... Always prepare to defence...
But really, I really thank the 2 of you, Mr Pig and Mr Bin for being there for me when I need to talk to someone... And also, listening to me nagging... And provide me with food when I'm so broke... haha!!!
Thanks guys! I appreciate it alot!!!!
Posted by
12:10 PM
Friday, June 20, 2008
Posted by
9:47 AM
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Well well... I'm still happy, and is VERY HAPPY!!! HEHE!!!
But, as for the reason why, I don't intend to say... *SeCrEt* ... hehe!!!
Went for GoodWood Park Dessert Buffet yesterday...
The dessert is really nice... But, it's kind of torture...
Having all sweet and creamy stuffs will makes you feel sick... haha!!!
Definitely... I WON'T GO BACK FOR DESSERT BUFFET.... *Inclusive of other places*
Hmmm... Will update on the reason why am I so happy when I know the happiness can last longer in my life... hehe!!!!
Posted by
1:57 PM
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
10 mins more!
Hehe!!! 10 more minutes and I will finish my work of the day!!! Yeh!!!
Today is a tired day... I'm so tired... I think is becuz of that stupid sore throat that makes me so heaty and hence, felt sick.... And then, become tired... haha!!!
But guess what...?!?!?! After work, I will be going to eat Dessert Buffet!!!! haha!!!!
wOw!!! 4 kinds of durian pastries, 4 types of cakes, puddings, ice creams and more!!!! wOw!!!
I love it!!!! Becuz of this, I didn't have my lunch!!! gOsh!!!
I'm so hungry now!!! I can eat alot lor!!! haha!!
Just kidding... I dun wan to become a pig... hehe!!!
Actually, this 3 days, quite happy... hehe!!! *Secret*
Posted by
5:18 PM
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Bad Wednesday
A new week started again...
Not a bad start for Monday and Tuesday...
But for today, I felt moody...
I felt.... We are drifting apart... Dunno why... But, just felt so...
I'm abit lost today....
Hope the gym session later on can help me to clear my mind....
Posted by
11:13 AM
Monday, June 9, 2008
Friday Night
Hehe! Purposely delay till today then do this posting cuz I knew that I will be super bored in office... So, left some things to keep myself occupied in office....
Above are all the evidence... Was done by Mr Pig... Mr Potato, I hereby employ you as my lawyer... HELP ME SUE MR PIG!!!!!
Posted by
10:15 AM
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
Richman Online
Let's watch a video of the game first! Hehe!
Posted by
12:36 PM